Example of distances in BoliviaExample of distances in Bolivia

Example of distances in Bolivia

Roads in kilometers and travel time:

La Paz / Oruro : 240 Km -  3h30

La Paz / Cochabamba : 450 Km -  5h30 

La Paz / Potosi : 540 Km -  9h00 

La Paz / Uyuni : 760 Km - 10h00 

Uyuni / Potosi : 220 Km -  4h00 

Potosi / Sucre : 170 Km -  2h30 

Santa-Cruz / La Paz : 925 Km - 18h00

Warning: the given travel times are valuable with a private car and during the dry season, it can differ according to the period of the year (dry season or rainy season).

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