In the heart of the south of Lipez, San Juan de Rosario (often simply called San Juan) is a small locality stormed by travelers to spend a night, waiting for continuing the explorations of the region’s wonders. Several basic accommodations allow to take a break in the excursion of the south of Lipez. The charming small church seems to belong to another time and extreme climatic conditions made unusual human’s presence. A good departure point (or of arrival, or rest) in the hard climate of the south of Lipez. Besides, it is to notice the presence of the Museum Kawsay Wasy, where it is possible to see an exhibition of objects and utensils that had belonged to past civilizations. Historic and chronologic explanations are very detailed and instructive. Included into the museum, a small way lead you to a cemetery dating from the 12th century. There are several small domes where there are human skeletons inside, before compressed into massive jars that have been broken or that disappeared now. However, these soil mounds were not made by humans but by winds, that came to bring and accumulate soil around these jars.