In a pretty house made with the Tiwanaku’s architecture by Arthur Ponsnanki (archaeologist specialized and passionate by this culture), this museum exposes archaeologic pieces from different cultures of the country, more than 50 000 pieces are presented into 5 rooms. A room presenting a global and chronological course of the country, another dedicated to the Tiwanaku’s culture with potteries, stone works, hallucinogenic, etc… and a third room that explains the different regions of the country with pieces coming from the Inca and Mollo cultures, and other from the colonial and republican life. The next room presents explanations about death and rites around it. A time, space and society travel. Opening hours: from Tuesday to Friday, from 9 am to 12.30pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm. On Saturday, from 9 am to 1 pm.