Archaeological Museum

In the middle of the strange cohabitation of rests from the Inca and Tiwanakota period and the oldest man of the continent (1756 bf JC), priest’s hats and llama's fetus, History of Bolivia reveals to everyone who takes the time to visit the archaeological museum of Cochabamba. In the ethnographical area, there are explanations about the different cultures that have succeeded each other and the actual ones. In archaeology, wonderful potteries, jewels and daily objects. In paleontology, reproductions of dinosaurs’ prints we often find in all Cochabamba’s region. In brief, a very instructive overview of the history and the present of Cochabamba and Bolivia. Opening hours: From Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm. On Saturday, from 8.30am to 12.30pm.

Archaeological Museum
Archaeological Museum
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